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By Paul Hahs
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By Paul Hahs
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First meeting for 2017
by Paul Hahs

MCLEA Membership,

I hope this new year finds you in good health, reasonable wealth, or at the very least, content. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been able to post anything and I just wanted to take a moment to share with all of you the results of our last stated meeting.  I would encourage each of you so attend our next stated meeting on May 04 and see what MCLEA is trying to do. There is an open forum scheduled into each agenda so that any active MCLEA member can speak about any topic they desire, so it would be a good opportunity to express your thoughts to the Association.

Due to new work assignments, there have been some position changes within the MCLEA administration that I want to share with you.  Steve Mullis tendered his resignation as Vice-President at the end of January due to his new work assignment, and I wanted to express our appreciation for a couple of things. First, I appreciate the behind the scenes work Steve did with Sheriff Gage’s Administration on trying to fix the STEP program issues. Second, as much as we hate to see him go, I appreciate anyone who realizes they can no longer fulfill their obligations to MCELA due to their full-time job, and are willing to step aside to let someone else step up. Thank you for all your hard work, Steve.

The person who did step up was our new Vice-President, Todd McCoy. I asked Todd to assume this role because when it comes to our Association, he is one of the most passionate people involved. Everyone in the MCLEA administration is passionate about what we do, otherwise we wouldn’t do it, but Todd takes it to a whole new level and we need that.

Another person stepping up is former Secretary Leslie McCauley, who has accepted the Treasurer role from Damon Hall. Captain Hall had to resign from this position due to his new role in the Sheriff’s Office, and I can’t think of anyone better to fill that role than Leslie. She has worked with Captain Hall for years and is very quickly learning this new position. Her integrity is impeccable, as is her attention to details (which I’m sure has nothing to do with her CSI work…) and I am happy that she has assumed this vital position for us.

Taking Leslie’s place as Secretary is Membership Committee Chair Benita Flowers. Benita volunteered to step into this position at the same time Leslie took on the Treasurer role, and I expect you will be hearing more from her. Benita is going to continue as the Membership Committee Chair, as well as her new position. Benita is a wonderful communicator, a consummate professional when it comes to documenting what is said, and will do a great job for us.

Other changes that are not Officer positions, but are equally important is that Vice-President McCoy’s board spot has been filled by Danny Pena from SWAT. Danny will be a good addition to the Board of Directors, and it’s always good to have a Medic around….just in case!

The final change is to Captain Kevin Ray’s former position as Fundraiser Committee Chair. That has been assumed by Deputy Jason Prince and I anticipate seeing positive things out of this change.

As some of you may recall, we held a contest to design a new logo for MCLEA and selected the winning design last November. Due to some potential legal hurdle with using the design, I have decided to have local companies bid for the opportunity to design the logo. MCLEA will be placing an ad in the local media and will accept the lowest bidder, who will be given deadlines for design, proofing, and vectoring the new logo. I hope to have that ad placed this week, and the process rolling by the end of the month. Once we get the new logo, we will push it out to all of you as well as start using it on the website and letterhead.

I will end with this; our goal at MCLEA is to work for all of you. We are currently working on a couple of things we hope benefits our members from all agencies. I am happy to say Sheriff Henderson and Chief Culbreath have taken the time out of their schedule to meet with the affected family as well as MCLEA Officers/Board members. I would like to see more of our non-MCSO members attend the meetings and get to know everyone. This is the Montgomery County Law Enforcement Association, not the Sheriff’s Office Association and we want to include everyone, but we can only help you if we know you and know you need our help.


Paul Hahs Sr, President

Montgomery County Law Enforcement Association.

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